Hi! I'm Tracker

also known as Track Man!!

I am a Basset Hound.... a mighty fine one if I must say so.

Here I am with Samantha. She is pretty cool!! She is my two legged sister. We mostly call her Sammi. She gives great belly rubs.. ARRROOOO!!!

I was not too sure about this family that adopted me from the shelter. But after a few weeks I knew that they were just perfect for me. Finally a great family and home were I am safe and taken care, forever.

Please check out our rescue pages and read up on pet shops and puppy mills. It is a very sad thing that all of you should know about....

The Sad Truth

I have lots of friends to tell you about. They are a Hoot! This is me at Grandmas...

Ya never know just how great ya got it till you go to Grandmas house....wooow the wonderful smells in her back yard. She is lucky she has rabbits that run all over her back yard at night. My friends live at Grandmas and we go visit often...

More about our family


Basset Sites Rescue Sites

Puppy Mills

Those darn cats

Shop for Basset Stuff

My family


Don't Shop...Adopt!!